Don’t focus on where you have to go- but instead how far you’ve come.

I’m considering it a gift from the triathlon gods (Somehow I blame the Greek god for me being signed up for this ridiculous event)  that the pool is closed for a week. At first I freaked out – a bump in my nice neat little training calendar? Crap! Then I realized that maybe I should take it as a sign that I need to take a step back, breathe- and focus on some positives for a while. So I’m doing just that.

Aside from my constant freak outs/nightmares about the swimming portion, my training has been going pretty well. It’s crazy to me that just a few months ago I was afraid to wobble down my street on the bike, and suddenly I’m busting out 8 mile bike rides before I’ve even had breakfast. I’ve been spending a lot of time reading books and articles, and watching triathlon YouTube videos (Note to self: do NOT Google “Triathlons gone bad”. You will just give yourself an ulcer) so that I have some kind of idea of what to expect on race day. There have been a whole lot of “Who am I again?” moments for sure lately because I certainly don’t recognize my life anymore.

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Bye bye trashy magazines on the beach, hello new best friend.

In other exciting news I began “coaching” a beginners running group through my training studio. I can’t even begin to tell you how proud of myself I am. A year ago to the date I was just bringing home my first pair of running shoes. Fast forward 366 days- and suddenly I’m teaching a group of people how to run…How did THAT happen? I am no expert, but I feel 100% confident in being able to say Yes this sucks and it takes a lot of work, but if you want it bad enough and you push through it- the feeling is incredible.”

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From 1st pair of Brooks to running coach… hey now!

A few weeks ago I participated in the Ruckus Run, which is one of those muddy obstacle races. It just so happened to take place at the same location where the Diva Dash was (My first “5k”, if you can call it that because it was also an obstacle course race). It was a pretty surreal feeling to be back there roughly a year later, running the same trails (30ish pounds lighter makes a HECK of a difference) and discovering just how much more I was capable of. I was scaling cargo nets and hoisting myself over barricades like it’s part of my daily routine. If I had done this same race last year I probably would have sat in the mud and cried.


Yes ladies and gentleman, that is my bicep. Admire it all you want.

I see changes in myself every single day that make me stop and realize that even on the days where I seem stuck and not where I need to be- things are still happening. When I knew the pool was going to be closed for the week, I spent a wild Friday night getting in a little more practice. (You haven’t seen calm water until you’ve been to a community pool on a Friday night!). In preparation for a rather hilly 5 mile race this weekend I took it upon myself to spend a night torturing myself on the hills.  The difference between who I was last summer and who I am now is that it’s not something I feel like I HAVE to do- but what I WANT to do. I want to try hard. I want to get better. I want to get faster. I want to be stronger. I’m no where close  to the person that I want to become but when I stop and take a look back, I have certainly come a long, long way.

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Chunky monkey girl last summer… still learning to appreciate the sweat.

About Kathleen

When your legs get tired run with your heart.

Posted on June 26, 2013, in Uncategorized and tagged , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 3 Comments.

  1. Congratulations on all the changes you’ve made and how wonderful that you are helping others do the same 🙂

  2. Wow you are amazing! It’s such an inspiration that you’ve made such a fantastic change in your life over the course of a year. Keep up all your hard work and strive for a great win at that triathlon!!

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